Implementation of the Strategy for Indigenous Development (GN-2387-5): Lessons from the Portfolio Review

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Date issued
Sep 2012
Analysis of the portfolio related to indigenous peoples in the context of the Indigenous Development Strategy (IDS) approved in 2006, shows that: (i) indigenous issues are less prevalent in Country Strategies from 2006 onward; (ii) the instrument most used to address indigenous issues is technical cooperation, followed by loan operations; (iii) there is limited evidence of a mainstreaming approach to the integration of indigenous issues in IDB operations; (iv) the number of loans with a proactive approach declined after approval of IDS; (v) the evaluability of operations related to indigenous issues is low; and (vi) the review period was marked by major institutional changes in the unit responsible for indigenous issues at the IDB. In light of the findings, the IDB should (i) ensure that analytical work is of high quality in those countries where the development of indigenous peoples represents a major challenge; (ii) strengthen IDB's existing information systems to ensure effective monitoring of its work on indigenous issues and fulfillment of the IDB-9 commitments; and (iii) strengthen research and evaluation in priority sectors for indigenous peoples to identify good practices and standards.