The Impact of the Seed Capital Program of SERCOTEC in Chile

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Date issued
Dec 2011
This paper seeks to measure the impact on small businesses in Chile of the Seed Capital Program implemented by Chile's Technical Cooperation Services (Servicio de Cooperación Técnica SERCOTEC). The results are mixed. On the one hand, the impact of sales is positive but its statistical significance depends on the model used. With regard to the number of employees, however, the results are positive and statistically significant regardless of the model used. The results also show that participating in the program has no incidence on the probability of later obtaining financing. This study highlights the importance of differentiating between productive development programs and social programs. It also suggests improvements in public policy to develop entrepreneurship in small businesses in Chile. These suggestions may also be interesting for other countries in the region facing similar challenges in terms of developing private entrepreneurship as a vehicle to generate economic development.