IDB External Feedback System 2012-2014 Report

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Date issued
Oct 2015
This report summarizes the perceptions of external partners surveyed from 2012-2014 through the External Feedback System (EFS). The EFS uses online surveys and interviews to measure the satisfaction of external partners regarding the Bank's products and services. These partners are from the public and private sectors, civil society organizations, and academia. The systematic approach employed by the EFS to evaluating Bank's products and services is aimed at continuously enhancing operational effectiveness and efficiency and improving the way the Bank responds to the evolving needs of borrowing member countries.

The report includes a summary of key findings and a detailed section of the EFS' online surveys and telephone interviews. The report was prepared by GlobeScan, an external organization leader in stakeholder feedback. The use of an external organization supports the Bank's commitment to protect confidentiality of survey respondents and independency in the analysis of survey information.