IDB Cultural Center 2nd Inter-American Biennial of Video Art
Date issued
Dec 2005
24 videos from 12 countries were selected from among 160 works submitted from 18 countries. The First and Second Prizes were awarded Ex Aequo (shared). The members of the international jury were Alejandro Negrín, Director of Washington's Cultural Institute of Mexico; and Germán Jaramillo, Colombia movie actor and theater director. The first prize winners are: Emuhno (The Creation of the World ) by Augusto Netto, Flavia Netto, Rafael Kohan, and José Pedersen, Paraguay; and Poporo by Luis Cantillo, Colombia; second prizes to: Estrategia para corromper la sombra (Strategy to Corrupt One's shadow) by Debbie Grimberg and Pablo Ribot, Argentina; and How Things Work by Roberto Bellini Alves Monteiro, Brazil; and, honorable mentions went to: Invasión doméstica (Domestic Invasion) by Paulina Del Paso, Mexico; Cuentos del desfortunio (Stories of Misfortune) by Diego Cifuentes, Ecuador; Juegos en el parque (Games in the Park) by Jorge Alban, Costa Rica; and Loop análogo (Analogue Loop) by Carlos Fernando Osuna, Colombia.