IDB-9 Survey: Overview of the Results
Date issued
Mar 2013
This document describes the results of the Ninth General Capital Increase Survey (IDB-9 Survey). This was an electronic survey sent by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) to all operational staff of the Bank between September 20 and October 4, 2012. The goal of the survey was to measure the extent of implementation of the reforms mandated in the IDB-9 Agreement. All survey responses were anonymous, and the results were aggregated at the unit level. The IDB-9 survey included up to 31 closed questions organized in the following eight modules: sector strategies (4 to 6 questions); Bank programming (4 questions), lending instruments and knowledge products (2 questions); private sector development and coordination (4 questions); Development Effectiveness Matrix (4 questions); Progress Monitoring Report (4 questions); the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (3 questions); the new Access to Information Policy (4 questions), and an open-ended question. Each staff member reported their unit and department affiliation and was asked the corresponding set of questions.