How Do Disruptive Innovators Prepare Today's Students to Be Tomorrow's Workforce?: Deep Learning: Transforming Systems to Prepare Tomorrow’s Citizens

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Fullan, Michael;
Quinn, Joanne
Dec 2020
Disruptive innovators take advantage of unique opportunities. Prior to COVID-19 progress in Latin America and the Caribbean for integrating technology, learning, and system change has been exceedingly slow. In this paper we first offer a general framework for transforming education. The framework focuses on the provision of technology, innovative ideas in learning and well-being, and what we call systemness which are favorable change factors at the local, middle/regional, and policy levels.

We then take up the matter of system reform in Latin America and the Caribbean noting problems and potential. Then, we turn to a specific model in system change that we have developed called New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, a model developed in partnerships with groups of schools in ten countries since 2014. The model consists of three main components: 6 Global Competences (character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking), 4 learning elements (pedagogy, learning partnerships, learning environments, leveraging digital), and three system conditions (school culture, district/regional culture, and system policy).

We offer a case study of relative success based on Uruguay with whom we have been working since 2014. Finally, we identify steps and recommendations for next steps in Latin America for taking action on system reform in the next perioda time that we consider critical for taking advantage of the current pandemic disruption. The next few years will be crucial for either attaining positive breakthroughs or slipping backwards into a reinforced status quo.