Hacia una mayor inclusión financiera para el desarrollo: Informe económico sobre Centroamérica, México, Panamá y República Dominicana

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Date issued
May 2024
It is estimated that the region of Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic (CAPARD) will experience growth in 2024 that is below the historical average, with more stringent financial conditions. In this context, financial inclusion plays a crucial role in moderating consumption fluctuations and fostering investment. This report analyzes the prevailing conditions of credit and financial inclusion in CAPARD and, based on the analysis of the determinants of financial inclusion, proposes policies to accelerate its deepening. The focus is on National Financial Inclusion Strategies, financial education, interest rates and the competitive environment, and digital financial inclusion. Finally, the report describes the participation of the IDB Group in promoting financial inclusion in the region through a selection of its operations.
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