Governments and Civil Society Advancing Climate Agendas

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Date issued
May 2019
Irazábal Briceño, Irene
The approval of the Paris Agreement in December 2015 established a new global regimen in matters of climate change. Similarly, countries from Latin America and the Caribbean participate in and adhere to additional processes regarding environmental sustainability, including the national development of the 2030 Agenda and the Principle 10 / Escazú Agreement. These 3 instruments, among others, recognize the importance of an effective engagement with Civil Society for the advancement and implementation of the environmental sustainability agreements and goals.

With this regional diagnostic study, the IDB Group enhances its knowledge in the subject matter with the technical experience regarding citizen engagement. It sheds light on the perspective of best practices employed by governments for the advancement of their environmental commitments with the contributions of Civil Society in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru.

The study had a methodological framework that identifies, systematizes and analyzes best citizen engagement practices for the advancement of governments’ climate and sustainability agendas. It is structured in 3 chapters: (i) a conceptual framework which guides the reader about the methodology, including relevant definitions for the analysis of best engagement practices; (ii) a section containing best engagement practices in the climate and environmental sustainability agendas for each of the 7 countries of the study, with potential of being replicated in other contexts; (iii) a comparative analysis with recommendations and road maps based in the findings of the diagnostic section