Governing the Metropolis: Principles and Cases

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Cuadrado-Roura, Juan R.;
Fernández Güell, José Miguel;
Bird, Richard;
Subirats, Joan;
Brugué, Quim;
Monzón, Andrés;
Jan 2005
Fernández Güell, José Miguel;Rojas, Eduardo;Cuadrado-Roura, Juan R.
Throughout the twentieth century, there was a notable population shift in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, from rural living situations to urban centers. In 2000 there were 49 cities with populations of over one million, four of them among the 10 largest cities in the world. Toward the end of the twentieth century, some of these cities had begun to take on the characteristics of metropolitan areas. This book explores the complex issues involved in managing metropolitan systems. "Governing the Metropolis: Principles and Cases" explores key issues, presents practical principles of good governance as they apply to the metropolis, and unfolds cases of institutional and programmatic arrangements to tackle such issues.
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