Gender Mainstreaming in the Transparency Fund
Date issued
May 2018
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have seen, in recent years, a sharp uptick in public mobilization against corruption, as well as the adoption of transparency and accountability-enhancing reform. In most cases however, these anticorruption measures have not been designed to ensure that women and men benefit equally, despite ample evidence of the gender effects of corruption. For instance, research across countries and regions has found that women tend to suffer more from corruption, given their higher rate of poverty, responsibility for family care, dependence on public services, and conditions of discrimination and marginalization. There are also indications of gender imbalances in the response to corruption, with women less likely to report corruption, due perhaps to more limited access to information. The Transparency Fund presents this guide to support gender mainstreaming within the Fund to ensure that the transparency projects of the Inter-American Development Bank are responsive to the needs of women and men. The guide includes research findings, orienting questions, examples of good practice, potential entry points for programming, and suggested indicators.