Gender and Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar, Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
Date issued
Nov 2014
This document focuses on how to incorporate a gender perspective in operations that support the construction, operation and maintenance of medium- and large-scale renewable wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric energy installations connected to the grid for purposes of power generation. Additionally, there is also a section on rural energy that is applicable to small installations and mini-grids, or to exceptional cases where medium- and large-scale facilities provide electricity to a community. The document (i) identifies the possible gender equality challenges and opportunities as part of the project assessment, (ii) highlights the risks and potentially negative impacts of the project on gender equality, (iii) offers recommendations for addressing, preventing and mitigating challenges and for maximizing opportunities; and (iv) presents examples of programs that have taken into account gender differences or risks. In addition, the document includes (v) key questions for analyzing gender issues in renewable energy projects, and (vi) examples of indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of operations in the renewable energy sector.