Gap Analysis and Opportunities for Innovation in the Energy Sector In Latin America and the Caribbean

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Rennie, Gavin;
Hartnett, Brad K.;
Reyes, Victoria;
Siegert, Dafna;
Sandoval, Daniel;
Banda, Maria
Date issued
Sep 2020
The objective of this project is to understand and analyze the innovation gap in the LAC regions power & utilities industry, using countries in Europe, Asia, and other regions as a benchmark. The main objective is to identify these gaps across different dimensions of the industry. Based on a comparison with qualitative and quantitative data, a comparable synthetic index has been developed to provide a detailed analysis, identifying the gaps and opportunities at a regional level in LAC.

The importance and relevance of the project are due to the publication and analysis of information from different technologies used as well as a description of the actual scenario and scope of each country towards the innovative trends of the industry. With the use of this information, not only the government but the people of each country will be aware of the relevance of the advancement o new technologies helping on the use of new technologies, thanks to the report a new roadmap for each country can be made, using data from benchmark countries to determine the go-to.