Factsheet Resilience Solutions for the Maize Sector in South Africa
Date issued
Jun 2020
This Factsheet is a part of the Private Markets for Climate Resilience (PMCR) project to evaluate systematically the potential market for climate resilience solutions in the private sector. Focusing on agriculture and transportation, current practices and opportunities highlight products, services and finance in six emerging markets Colombia, the Philippines, South Africa, Nicaragua, Kenya, and Vietnam. Private Markets for Climate Resilience (PMCR) is the first initiative by a development institution to better understand climate resilience solutions provided by the private sector. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) have funded this assessment that focuses on transport and agriculture, and examines current best practices and opportunities related to climate resilience, by identifying leaders that are shaping the national markets, highlighting products, services, tools and processes.