The Experience in Innovation Surveys of Selected Latin American Countries
Date issued
Aug 2017
This document summarizes the responses to a questionnaire conducted jointly by the Network of Ibero-American and Inter-American Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IBD) to the STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) support institutions of several Latin American countries. The countries included in the survey are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru y Uruguay, which have developed more than three rounds of innovation surveys in the recent years. Table 1 in the annex provides some information on the innovation surveysthat have been undertaken in the region since 1995. The aim of this exercise is to collect information on the experience of Latin American countries in the realization of innovation surveys as well as on their perspective on innovation (see questionnaire in Spanish in the annex). A focus was given to the typology of innovation activities, innovation results and obstacles to innovation (including the ones linked to the decision to innovate and the ones faced by firms that conduct
innovation activities).
innovation activities).