Evaluation Study for 12 Projects Financed by the ProAdapt Facility

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Jun 2023
This report is the final deliverable developed by Technopolis Group and Global Factor in the context of the “Evaluation study of 12 projects financed by the ProAdapt Facility”. ProAdapt Facility was launched in 2013 by the IDBs Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), now IDB Lab, and the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). The main objectives of the Facility were to support climate resilience in MSMEs and the local communities where they operate and to foster business and investment opportunities for private-sector resilience solutions. In addition, the program supported the creation of new capacities and tools and the development of business models to achieve climate resilience.
The IDB Lab approved 12 technical cooperation projects in 13 member countries for a total contribution of US$11.52 million (including MIF and NDF funding). In addition, US$16.56 million was leveraged as counterpart funding from executing agencies and project partners. Overall, the funding for ProAdapt Facility amounted to a total of US$28.08 million. The project portfolio was approved gradually between 2013 and 2019, and its implementation ended in March 2022. The distribution of the operation portfolio by focus areas is as follows: five projects were related to access to basic services and green growth; three to inclusive cities; two to accessing markets and capabilities; and one to smart agriculture. This report provides information on the benefits and the achievement of results for and across the different projects. It also reports on the effectiveness of the ProAdapt Facility in promoting the dissemination of the results achieved. The results of the evaluation are mainly based on in-depth studies of 10 of the planned projects. For the remaining two projects, in-depth studies were not conducted as one was cancelled before it started, and the other concerned the generation of knowledge products. In addition, the evaluation included a study that benchmarks ProAdapts intervention against those of external climate funds and highlights relevant lessons learned that might be useful for the design of future climate funds at the IDB.