Evaluation Report: An Evaluation of UNDP Participation in the Execution of Bank-funded Operations
Date issued
Mar 2000
This report (RE-240) by the Evaluation Office presents the findings of an evaluation of the cooperation between the Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the execution of Bank-funded programs. The evaluation reviewed the UNDP's role in project execution and identified issues that warrant further discussion in the interest of increasing development effectiveness and optimizing the benefits of the collaboration for both the Borrowers and the Bank. Information for this study was gathered from IDB project documents and execution reports, UNDP project documents, completed questionnaires soliciting the views of Bank and UNDP field staff on the relationship at the country level, and interviews with more than 50 government, UNDP and Bank officials. Four countries -Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Panama- were selected for the in-country fieldwork, because each had several ongoing Bank loans and/or technical assistance operations on which the UNDP was collaborating in project execution.