Evaluation of MIF Projects: Environment
Date issued
Jan 2004
This report (MIF/GN-78-13) is the outcome of evaluation of a group of 17 MIF environment projects, as part of the work program of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) to evaluate MIF activities, following the mandate of its Donors Committee. The report is structured in accordance with the steps established in the evaluation framework developed by OVE to examine MIF activities. Chapter I describes the context in which environment projects were carried out in the region. Chapter II traces the development of the strategic framework under which the projects were designed, and the role played by the MIF. Chapter III relates the findings of the analysis and evaluation of the group of projects. Lastly, Chapter IV presents the main conclusions based on the factual data of the analysis in the previous chapter, and identifies the principal opportunities for MIF action in this thematic area.