Evaluation of the Bank's Global Multisector Credit Operations: 1990 to 2005
Date issued
Aug 2007
The Bank defines Global Multisector Credit Operations (GMCs) as loans with sovereign guarantees granted to intermediary financial institutions or similar agencies to enable them to on-lend to sub-borrowers for the financing of multisector projects. This evaluation (RE-336) is based on a detailed analysis of the GMCs approved between 1990 and 2005. About two-thirds of the GMCs -representing 82% of the approved GMC funding- were reviewed in-depth and involved fieldwork in the respective countries. The remaining GMCs were desk-reviewed via Project Reports, Portfolio Performance Monitoring Reports, Credit Regulations, Project Completion Reports, and any other available document, e.g. ad hoc consultant studies OVE complemented the evaluation with surveys and interviews providing both Bank staff and clients with an opportunity to participate.