Digital Health: Procurement Guide

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Payen, Patricia Yamilee;
Benedettelli, Veronica;
Date issued
May 2024
The Digital Health Procurement Guide is a comprehensive resource developed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to assist its clients in procuring digital health tools. It provides an overview of the procurement process, including key stages and responsibilities, and offers practical tools and templates to facilitate a successful procurement. The guide emphasizes the importance of strategic planning, understanding needs, executing a structured procurement process, and negotiating effective contracts. Collaboration among stakeholders is also highlighted as crucial for successful digital health procurement. The guide does not replace the IDB's procurement policies but serves as a valuable reference for clients seeking support in this area.
This guide will:
Help Purchasers understand the process for procuring digital health tools from defining its need to contract negotiation;
Discuss the difference between defining what a Purchaser needs (i.e., its requirements) and how it asks (i.e., goes to market) for solutions to meet those needs;
Provide an overview of a procurement process following a multi-stage bidding process;
Provide tools and templates that can help a Purchaser execute a digital health procurement based on good practice.