Digital Health For All: Social Protection and Health Division Regional Policy Dialogue Report 2022

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Nov 2022
The Social Protection and Health (SPH) Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) held its annual Regional Policy Dialogue (RPD) Digital Health for All: Latin America and the Caribbeans golden opportunity to improve the efficiency, quality and equity of sector on September 12-14th 2022 in Panama City, Panama. The RPD brought together over 120 participants, including leaders from over 20 countries, vice-ministers of health and directors of technology and communications, and regional and global experts in digital health. The meeting sought to provide a setting to discuss what the IDB and different countries have learned in the past four years of implementation of digital health, structural challenges to scale digital health, and the measures needed to ensure that decisions made today are both sustainable and transformational. The meetings objectives broadly included discussing three topics: 1) how to ensure that digital health adds value in terms of improved efficiency, quality, and equity;2) policy considerations for linking digital health to health outcomes; and3) the future state of our region in terms of digital transformation of the health sector.This report provides an overview of the meeting, its main findings, and the steps that lie ahead on this journey.