Design Well, Build Better: A Guide for Planning, Creating, Overseeing, and Making Decisions about Social Infrastructure Designs

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Aug 2018
There are several modalities for the elaboration of social infrastructure designs: they can be carried out by the executing unit or other public institution of the borrowing country. Individual consultants or a specialized firm can be hired and then, through an independent process, the construction is hired or a company responsible for both the designs and the construction of these can be hired through a design and built contract. In the latter, variables might be included by the team and / or the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure for a certain period.
The guide provides tools for team leaders and project teams. Assisting with best decisions toward the designs, depending on the particularities of each case, and establishing the scope of work that a designer must perform and the technical specifications that must be met. It also presents lists of design contents that can be easily adapted to the particularities of each project.