Data of Violence against women - Colombia - Survey answers
Date issued
Aug 2016
This file contains data from a natural experiment that enabled an analysis of the impact of having received services offered by the violence against women hotline 123 Mujer in Medellin, Colombia on women callers´ reports of subsequent experiences of intimate partner violence, among other indicators. Study participants were 749 women callers (459 treatment and 290 controls) who had called the hotline between September 2013 and May 2014. Data was collected once, between October and December of 2014, 6 months to one year after the women´s calls to the hotline, with reports of 2013 violence being retrospective. The survey asked participants to report violence in the 3 months leading up to their call to the hotline and then 3 months prior to the data collection. For the moment, this download will prove data formatted only for Stata. Inside, you will find the survey data as well as the do files to assign names to the variables and the labels for the response options.