COVID-19 Household Telephone Survey in Barbados - Round 2

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Date issued
May 2021
This dataset constitutes a panel follow-up to the 2016 Barbados Survey of Living Conditions. It measures welfare related variables before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic including labor market outcomes, financial literacy, and food security. The survey was executed in November 2020.
The Barbados COVID-19 Survey is a project of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). It collected data on critical socioeconomic topics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic to support policymaking and help mitigate the crisis impacts on the populations welfare.
The first survey round recontacted households interviewed in 2016 by the Barbados Survey of Living Conditions (BSLC) and was conducted by phone due to the mobility restrictions and social distancing measures in place. It interviewed 896 households and all their members over 29 days during May and June 2020 and gathered information about disease transmission, household finances, labor, income, remittances, spending, and social protection programs. Data and documentation of this first round can be found at:
The second round was carried out in November 2020 and recontacted respondent households from the first round. It focused on labor and interviewed 758 households.
Both Barbados COVID-19 Survey rounds were designed and implemented by Sistemas Integrales. This publication describes the second rounds main methodological aspects, such as sample design, estimation procedures, topics covered by the questionnaire, field organization and quality control. It also presents the structure and codebook for the two resulting datasets.