From the COVID-19 Crisis to Resilience: Tools for Actors in the Energy Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Date issued
Aug 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic eruption and the associated containment measures posed a major challenge for the global economy and for the sectors associated with providing public services. This made it clear that they were not resilient enough to withstand an unforeseen shock of unprecedented magnitude. This document summarizes a series of proposals that emerged from the experiences of seven different case studies in the region, linked to the response of the electricity sector to the shock of COVID-19 in Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras and Panama. The studies aim to consolidate a more resilient public service provision with a greater capacity to react to unforeseen events along three main lines: (i) risk planning; (ii) digitization of services; and (iii) improvements in the capacities of the electric power systems in the region.