Country Program Evaluation: Peru (2007-2011)

Cobas, Eduardo C.;
Grassi, Rosalia;
Jan 2012
This evaluation examines the IDB's Country Program with Peru for the 2007-2011 period. Policy reforms accounted for most of the approvals in this period. These involved programmatic loans associated with non-reimbursable technical cooperation operations as financial instruments. The main outcomes identified highlight the IDB's technical contributions to the solutions designed and to promoting the implementation of policy reform agendas in various sectors. The outputs associated with the legitimation of institutional arrangements among the various executing agencies and the approval of new organizational, legal, and regulatory frameworks were the main tangible results of the strategy. For the impact of the IDB's programmatic exercise with Peru to be enhanced, OVE proposes the following recommendations: (i) include knowledge and technical cooperation as program products; (ii) accelerate the change in the public-private makeup of the portfolio to elevate the importance and catalytic effect of the non-sovereign portfolio; (iii) seek greater balance in the sovereign portfolio between investment and policy reform financing modalities; (iv) foster progress in the country execution capacities and systems in line with the transformations in the IDB's monitoring and evaluation systems; and (v) concentrate the program's scope on fewer issues, focusing on sustainable growth and inequality reduction, which are the IDB's areas of excellence.