Country Program Evaluation: Paraguay (2003-2008)

Date issued
Jul 2009
This Country Program Evaluation (RE-356) was produced following OVE's standard protocol for such evaluations. The Evaluation findings are provided as input for Management's charting of the Bank's future strategy with the Republic of Paraguay. According to the Evaluation findings the Bank's strategy and projects had proposed an ambitious set of 107 development objectives for its Paraguay operations in 2003-2008. Important as those objectives were, achieving them on the ground exceeded both the country's delivery capacity and the Bank's monitoring capacity. Based on its evaluation OVE is making five recommendations: 1) Build broad-based consensus around a new country development model; 2) Support development of a system to prioritize key projects, looking for maximum economic growth impact; 3) Help attract the requisite investment and public and private cofinancing to deliver those key projects; 4) Build up country delivery capacity and systems; 5) Ensure that as the country institutes this new development model there is adequate financing for social capital building.