Country Program Evaluation: Honduras 2015-2018
Date issued
Mar 2019
As part of its 2017-2018 annual work program, the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) has evaluated the Country Program with Honduras 2015-2018. This is OVE's fifth independent country program evaluation (CPE) of the IDB's program with Honduras and the first to cover the work of both the IDB and IDB Invest in that county. It covers the IDB Group's program during the 2015-2018 period, which was guided by the IDB Country Strategy with Honduras 2015-2018 (document GN-2796-1). The preceding evaluations covered the periods 1990-2000 (document RE-263), 2001-2006 (document RE-328), 2007-2010 (document RE-390), and 2011-2014 (document RE-469).