Country Program Evaluation: Haiti 2011-2015
Jul 2016
The country strategy with Haiti for the 2011-2015 period is the Inter-American Development Bank's (IDB) first post-earthquake strategy and coincides with the start of the mandate of the Ninth General Increase in the Resources of the IDB (IDB-9). The IDB-9 commitments for Haiti include debt forgiveness and expanding the IDB Grant Facility with a view to providing Haiti with US$200 million per year over a period of 10 years (2011-2020), subject to annual approval by the Governors. The IDB-9 commitments modified the Bank's relationship with Haiti by converting the Bank's entire portfolio to a grant portfolio. Adjustment to the IDB-9 requirements also included to create in the Vice Presidency for Countries (VPC) a Haiti Department (CDH), to ensure the efficient and effective management of the unprecedented amount of resources allocated by IDB-9 (document AB-2764) to the Haiti program. The Haiti Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for the 2011-2015 period covers the first five years of the IDB-9 mandate and the change in the Bank's strategic positioning in Haiti. The CPE is an opportunity to evaluate the Bank's post-earthquake actions with a view to identifying the main challenges that the Bank faces to position itself in the five remaining years of the IDB-9 mandate. The CPE is divided into five chapters. Chapter I analyzes the changes in the economic, political, and social context in which the country strategy was implemented, with particular emphasis on the structural limitations that affect Haiti's development. Chapter II analyzes the Bank's positioning, with an emphasis on the significance of the strategic commitment and the efficiency of implementation of the operational program. Chapter III focuses on an effectiveness analysis and an analysis of the main outcomes at a sector level. Chapter IV sets out the main conclusions and recommendations for the next strategy cycle. The CPE also includes sector annexes that describe the sectoral context in which the program was implemented and a detailed evaluation of IDB operations in each sector, as well as other annexes with additional information.