Country Program Evaluation: Haiti (2007-2011)

Date issued
Sep 2011
This evaluation examines the IDB's Country Program with Haiti for the 2007-2011 period. IDB's strategic positioning in Haiti during this period was affected by the materialization of risks identified in the 2007 Country Strategy. The 2007 Country Strategy called for the continuation of support to Haiti's nascent recovery, noting political fragility, macroeconomic instability and natural disasters as the main potential risks. IDB's response to the 2010 earthquake was timely and relevant in operational and financial terms, although it lacked a clearly articulated long-term strategy. OVE concludes that the IDB's future strategy in Haiti can be more relevant and effective if it: (i) maps out a consensus-based strategy with the country that is realistic, supports rebuilding the country's institutions, and targets poverty reduction; (ii) overcomes the coordination weaknesses among donor agencies and promotes the leadership of the Government of Haiti in the coordination of development aid; (iii) builds the analysis of risks associated with institutional, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities and appropriate mitigation measures into the design of each operation; and (iv) intensifies efforts to ensure program monitoring and reporting, including improvements in the quality of information available in the country.