Country Program Evaluation: Guatemala 2012-2016

Nov 2016
This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Guatemala covers the period 2012-2016. It is the fourth occasion on which OVE has evaluated the Bank's program with the country. The previous evaluations covered the periods 1993-2003 (document RE-304-2), 2004-2007 (document RE-352), and 2008-2011 (document RE-404). In the context of the 2016 merger of the Bank's private sector windows (the Structured and Corporate Financing Department and the Opportunities for the Majority Sector) with the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), OVE has also been given the mandate of evaluating all operations financed by the IIC.

This evaluation looks at the IDB Group's relationship with the country from an independent perspective, with particular reference to the relevance and effectiveness of the program.
The evaluation is organized into four chapters, plus annexes. Chapter I assesses the general context of the country. Chapter II provides a general analysis of the Bank's program in 2012-2016, with particular reference to the relevance of the country strategy and the program as actually implemented. Chapter III analyzes, from a sector perspective, the implementation, effectiveness, and sustainability of the operations, and of progress toward the strategic objectives proposed by the Bank in its country strategy. Chapter IV presents conclusions and recommendations.