Country Program Evaluation: Ecuador (1990-2002)

Jul 2004
This paper (RE-295) evaluates the Bank's program with Ecuador from 1990 to 2002. Throughout the 1990-2002 period, Ecuador continued facing these same development challenges as in the previous one: (i) how to move the economy away from its dependency on primary production, (ii) how to improve governance, and (iii) how to reduce social exclusion. Country program evaluations (CPE) are independent exercises conducted by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) based on the methodology outlined in the "Protocol for the Conduct of Country Program Evaluations (RE-271-1)". The present evaluation builds on what was done before, looking at: (i) the country's development priorities, (ii) the Bank's programming objectives, and (iii) how the operations addressed these priorities and objectives.