Country Program Evaluation: Costa Rica (2002-2006)
Date issued
Dec 2006
This document (RE-325) presents the Costa Rica Country Program Evaluation (CPE) prepared by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) for 2002-2006. The paper includes a description of the country and context during the evaluation period, the 2003-2006 programming exercise, a discussion on the efficiency in project preparation and delivery outcomes associated with the programming exercise, and conclusions and recommendations. The lessons learned from the way in which the 2003-2006 Bank Country Strategy has unfolded once again demonstrate the need to recommend that the Bank should not structure its programming exercises around goals and objectives relating to structural reforms. The Bank's support for such efforts on the country's part should focus on technical assistance and on economic studies and analyses. The new Bank Country Strategy should be based on the lessons learned from previous programming efforts and should propose realistic approval levels in keeping with conditions in the country.