Country Program Evaluation: Chile (2006-2010)

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Date issued
Sep 2010
This Country Program Evaluation (RE-380-1) covers the period 2006 to 2010. The document is organized in chapters as follows: Program Context; The Program with the Bank; Country Program Results; Delivery of the Program; Main Risks for the New Program; and Conclusions and Recommendations. Recommended measures to better align the Bank's strategy focus to the country's support vision include: 1) Pursue actions to preserve and deepen the Bank's value-added to reduce coordination and market failures in public program delivery; 2) Adapt the programming model so the guiding consideration in the Bank's work planning will be the impact of its engagement on the country;s development challenges; 3) Pursue the creation of a knowledge finance vehicle for Chile not associated with loans, as a separate Bank product; 4) Improve portfolio continuity risk management; 5) Explicitly map out in the Country Strategy a complementary finance strategy and a system for engagement with the private sector with an emphasis on MSMEs.