Country Program Evaluation: Belize (2008-2012)
Date issued
Mar 2013
This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Belize: 2008-2012 is the third time the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) has evaluated the work of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB, or Bank) with Belize. The main goal of the CPE is to provide information on Bank performance at the country level that is credible and useful, and that enables the incorporation of lessons and recommendations that can be used to improve the development effectiveness of the Bank's overall strategy and program of country assistance. Chapter 1 briefly describes the social and macroeconomic context in which the Bank's program was executed. Chapter 2 describes the main objects of the evaluation the Country Strategy and its associated program and discusses their relevance for Belize's economic development in light of the issues raised in the previous chapter. Chapter 3 assesses the efficiency of the Bank's work in Belize relative to its work in other countries and tries to identify the factors that contribute to it. Chapter 4 is concerned with the results of some of the operations executed during the period. The operations evaluated are those that closed between 2008 and 2012 or that progressed sufficiently in their execution as to be able to show some results.