Country Program Evaluation: Argentina (2009-2015)
Jun 2016
As part of its 2015-2016 annual work plan, the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) prepared the Bank's country program evaluation (CPE) with Argentina for the 2009-2015 period. This CPE is OVE's third independent evaluation of the IDB's country program with Argentina. The first (document RE-299) covered the 1990-2002 period and focused on analyzing Bank support prior to and during the 2001-2002 crisis. The second OVE evaluation (document RE-361) covered support during the Argentine economy's strong recovery in the post-crisis period (2003-2008). The 2009-2015 CPE evaluates the Bank's program with the country over the period subsequent to the 2009 international crisis, which was guided by the 2012-2015 strategy (document GN-2687) and updates to the 2004-2008 strategy (document GN-2328) over the 2009-2011 period. This CPE seeks to analyze the Bank's relationship with the country, taking an independent view and assessing, in particular, the program's relevance and effectiveness, including both financial and nonfinancial products offered by the Bank during the period under analysis. This evaluation is intended as an input for the new country strategy document that the Bank is preparing.