Concept Note for the PPP Talk panels on Climate Investment and Digital Transformation

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Date issued
Nov 2022
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) holds the PPP Americas every two years in partnership with a national or subnational government. The regional forum brings together top professionals and public and private-sector representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to discuss groundbreaking topics and exchange ideas on planning, structuring, and managing public-private partnerships (PPPs). For the 2023 conference, the IDB is holding three preparatory events - the PPP Talks before the main event. During the PPP Talks, invited experts will lay the groundwork for the discussions to be held during the conference.
The first PPP Talk will consist of two panels on December 1st, 2022: Climate Investment and Digital Transformation both topics are part of the thematic agenda of PPP Americas 2023. This Concept Note provides the conceptual framework of the two themes discussed during these panels. In addition, this note offers descriptions of key concepts, as well as the main opportunities and challenges that countries in Latin America and the Caribbean face in each area.