Climate-Resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management Performance Indicators: Application in Belize

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Date issued
Jun 2020
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) have developed a set of climate-resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) performance indicators during 2018 which were pilot tested in Belize in early 2019. The indicators highlight key conditions and good practices that can help a country support ICZM, climate adaptation and resilience building in coastal areas. The indicators were developed as a diagnostic tool to assist countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region evaluate if they have the governance conditions, institutions, implementation practices and monitoring frameworks in place, as well as the right information available, to help them sustainably manage coastal areas - considering the changing climate. The indicators are not intended for comparison between countries; rather, they are intended to support better within-country-understanding of strengths and weaknesses with regard to ICZM and climate preparedness in coastal areas.