A City for All: The Future of Human Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin American and Caribbean Commission on Human Settlements;
Date issued
May 1996
The report presents a regional synopsis on the state of urban management in Latin America and the Caribbean for participants of the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in Istanbul (1996). It was prepared by the Latin American and Caribbean Commission on Human Settlements, which was created in 1995, under the auspices of the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme. A set of strategies are presented to meet the future challenges of housing, productivity and quality of life in cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Best practices in the region are discussed and a summary of political positions for Habitat II are proposed. The following cases are discussed in detail: urban planning in Curitiba, the Council for the Integration of Grassroots Improvement Programs in the State of Ceará, the National Affordable Housing Fund (El Fondo Nacional de Habitaciones Populares, FONHAPO) of Mexico, and the formalization of informal property in Peru.