The Bank in the Central American Isthmus and the Dominican Republic: 2015 Activities Report

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Date issued
Feb 2016
The world outlook in 2015, marked by financial market volatility, a downturn in the world economy and the El Niño phenomenon, has not prevented the countries of the Central American isthmus and the Dominican Republic (hereinafter, the region) from benefiting from the US economic recoveryand the almost 50 percent drop in the price of oil and other commodities. These circumstances have allowed the countries to continue along the growth path apparent over the previous six years, following the world financial crisis. In this context, the IDB has been offering constant support to the region in designing and financing initiatives geared to meeting these challenges, both in response to the particular circumstances of each country and from a regional perspective. This report presents the Bank's financial and non-financial activities in 2015 and the work program for 2016, which gives continuity to the Bank's technical and financial support for key initiatives of economic, institutional and social transformation in the region, and introduces new approaches to make IDB actions more effective.