The Bahamas: Building Effective Governments: Executive Summaries of the Caribbean Country Studies

Date issued
Jul 2015
Sanginés, Mario;
García Moreno, Mauricio;
Kaufmann, Jorge
This document presents the executive summary of the "National Progress Report (2007-2013) on Institutional Capacity to Implement Managing for Development Results" in The Bahamas. It is based on the methodology of the PRODEV Evaluation Tool (PET), an instrument that analyzes the five pillars of the public policy management cycle: (i) planning, (ii) budgeting, (ii) public financial management, (iv) program and project management, and (v) monitoring and evaluation. The instrument was applied in 24 countries on 2 occasions, the first between 2007 and 2009 and the second in 2013, which led to studies on the evolution of MfDR during that period. The reports provided input to Building Effective Governments: Achievements and Challenges for Results-Based Public Administration in Latin America and the Caribbean, a book published by the Institutional Capacity of the State Division of the Inter-American Development Bank in 2015.