Assessing the Effectiveness of Agricultural Interventions

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Date issued
Jan 2010
The volume Assessing the Effectiveness of Agricultural Interventions is the Special Topic for the Development Effectiveness Overview 2008-2009. The Special Topic provides an in-depth analysis of what we know about the effectiveness of projects in one of the Bank¿s specific areas of intervention and identifies what we can do to improve the development effectiveness in that area. This year, the Special Topic focuses on agricultural production and productivity, an area in which important changes have recently taken place and in which governments have taken on the dual challenges of promoting competitiveness while ensuring food security. This Special Topic identifies agricultural projects that the IDB and others have been funding in recent years to promote agricultural production and productivity, and reviews the available evidence on their effectiveness. It then identifies where gaps lie in the existing evidence, what needs to be evaluated in the future, and how this might be done.