Approach Paper: Review of IDB Support to Secondary Education-Quality and Learning in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1995-2011

May 2012
The main objective of this evaluation is to identify lessons from IDB's support to secondary education policies and systems in LAC since 1995, with a particular focus on quality of education and learning outcomes. The evaluation will review the IDB's dialogue with countries on educational policies; the design, execution and results of IDB-financed education operations; and the building of education-related knowledge and capacities. Findings will seek to identify factors affecting the success of interventions in different contexts, and to provide Management and client countries with specific recommendations on how the IDB could approach the sector going forward. Data sources include literature reviews and background papers, the IDB secondary education lending portfolio, country case studies, existing impact evaluations on secondary education-related topics, EDU and SCL economic and sector work reports, and key-informant interviews of stakeholders, IDB education sector specialists and other relevant IDB staff.