Approach Paper: OVE Mid-Term Evaluation of IDB-9 Commitments
Date issued
Jun 2012
This approach paper describes OVE's approach to evaluating the implementation of the commitments contained in the Ninth General Increase in the Resources of the IDB (IDB-9). OVE's core objective for this evaluation will be to document the progress and effectiveness of implementation to date of the IDB-9 reforms. A variety of tools, tailored to each thematic area, will be used to gather evidence. OVE will review the background discussions on each one of the themes to identify and assess the assumptions underlying the design of the respective actions. OVE will also look at lessons learned from past and ongoing evaluations in the respective themes, as well as best practices in other development institutions, if relevant. For most of the actions it will be necessary to carry out structured interviews, and in a few cases stakeholder surveys will shed light on progress to date. OVE will also review relevant data on implementation and, where available, on preliminary or final results. The assessment of each thematic area will be preceded by specific terms of reference, detailing the approach, evaluation questions, and evaluation methodology.