Approach Paper: Evaluation of IDB-9 Commitments

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Date issued
Jun 2017
The IDB-9 Agreement included a requirement that the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) conduct a mid-term review to determine to what extent IDB was implementing the IDB-9 mandates fully and effectively. OVE undertook the reviewduring 2012 and delivered it to the Board in December 2012. The institutional strategy laid out in the IDB-9 agreement extended until 2015, at which time the accomplishments under the strategy and the IDB-9 Results Framework were to be evaluated and a follow-on strategy was to be adopted. The Results Framework specified 2015 as the target date for achieving many IDB-9 mandates, in line with the strategy period. In 2016, the Board of Directors requested that OVE include an IDB-9 evaluation in its 2017-18 work program, to be delivered before the Annual Meetings in Mendoza, Argentina in March 2018.
OVE's Mid-Term Evaluation was intended as an early progress report, and as such it focused primarily in detail on the first three years of implementation of the IDB-9 mandates. This evaluation intends to take a broader approach to focus not only on implementation but also on IDB's achievements to date under IDB-9 and their implications going forward.