Approach Paper: Country Program Evaluation: Peru 2012-2016

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Date issued
Mar 2016
As part of its 2016 work plan, the Office of Evaluation and Oversight ispreparing the Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Peru for the period from
June 2012 to June 2016. This document sets out the approach, scope, and
methodology for the CPE. This will be the first CPE to include operations approved by the InterAmerican Investment Corporation (IIC). Since the merge-out of the Structured and Corporate Financing Department (SCF), the Opportunities for the Majority Sector (OMJ), and the IIC in January 2016, OVE has received the mandate to evaluate all operations financed by the IIC.1 Therefore, in addition to the operations approved for the SCF and the OMJ (as is customary), this CPE will include all those approved by the IIC during the review period.