Approach Paper: Country Program Evaluation: Honduras 2015-2018
Date issued
Jul 2018
As part of its work program for 2018, the Inter-American Development Bank’s Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) is evaluating the IDB Group’s Country Program with Honduras 2015-2018. This is OVE’s fifth independent Country Program Evaluation (CPE) of the IDB Group’s program in Honduras. This document defines the scope and methodology of the CPE 2015-2018. The evaluation will continue to build on the lines of OVE’s early work, looking more closely at relevant financial and nonfinancial areas in “value added” and in learning processes related to the IDB’s effectiveness and efficiency. The CPE 2015-2018 will be the first independent evaluation of the program with Honduras that covers the work of both the IDB and IDB Invest in the country.