Analysis of Innovation in Peru's Gastronomic Industry

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Date issued
Oct 2022
This is a study on great innovators of Peruvian gastronomy. Through it, we want to bring the reader closer to each one of them, to the process that led Peruvian gastronomy to occupy a privileged place in international haute cuisine, and to understand its interaction with Peruvian agriculture. For this purpose, we chose to use the economic approach to investigate the innovation process and understand the gastronomic revolution that took place. The search for differentiation through quality is one of the engines of innovation and creativity, that can allow the reconversion of productive sectors. In the case of positioning Peruvian Gastronomy in the international market, there was a reconversion through innovation aimed at improving quality and supported by cultural identity, and biodiversity. We developed a systematized process of interviews with the main references in the gastronomic sector with the aim of analyzing the process of innovation and transformation in Peruvian Gastronomy and how it affected the production of its agricultural inputs, such as potatoes, chili peppers, and quinoa. We also evaluate the role of cultural identity, and the importance of revaluing local culture, as a mechanism for product differentiation, and as a motivation for innovation.
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