Advancing the Policy Design and Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energies in Latin America and the Caribbean for Grid-scale and Distributed Generation

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Date issued
Dec 2019
The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region holds a comfortable leading place in terms of the share of renewables in the electricity generation matrix, mainly due to the share of hydropower generation, which accounts for 46% of total power generation in 2017. Despite the share of renewable in the generation mix decreased by 8.2% from 2000 to 2016, the generation output of renewables increased by 51%, in absolute terms, during the same period. This has been a consequence of the decrease of renewables costs and the result of many policies applied in the LAC region. In this monograph, we study incentive mechanisms for both grid-scale (large and medium scale generation) and DG (small scale generation installed at the main consumption unit) in LAC.