Addressing Climate Change within Disaster Risk Management: A Practical Guide for IDB Project Preparation

Date issued
Apr 2015
This Technical Note identifies climate change risk management options that can be incorporated into IDB investments and presents considerations for monitoring and evaluation strategies to track the effectiveness of such actions. While there has been significant progress worldwide in conducting climate change vulnerability and risk assessments, climate change risk management is still in early stages of implementation and study. Thus, there is neither a significant amount of lessons learned nor robust evaluations of the effectiveness of risk management activities and investments. This note seeks to identify early lessons in climate change risk management, including risk management options that have proven effective in strengthening resilience based on literature from the disaster risk reduction (DRR) community. It is hoped that the climate change risk management options and strategies presented herein will provide a foundation for the IDB to build upon, as additional information becomes available and options are further tailored to meet the needs of specific sectors, regions, and IDB priorities.