Adaptation Solutions Taxonomy

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Koh, Jay;
Shi, Serena;
Guelig, Tara
Date issued
Aug 2020
Cabrera, María Margarita
Through an extensive consultation and review process involving leading climate experts, the Adaptation SME Accelerator Program (ASAP) in partnership with the IDB, IDB Lab and the Global Environment Facility developed a comprehensive taxonomy that builds on existing definitions and approaches to determine whether an SME qualifies as “Adaptation SME”.

The ASAP Adaptation Solutions Taxonomy is a tool developed with the aim of establishing a structured approach for transparently determining whether an SME qualifies as “Adaptation SME” based on the type(s) of technologies, products and services offered; identifying areas in which SMEs may require targeted support during the engagement, incubation/acceleration phases of ASAP to avoid maladaptation and adopt best environmental and social risk management practices; and creating a flexible and inclusive framework that can be applied beyond the ASAP initiative to any company, regardless of size/scale or geography.